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Start at the beginning.

Start at the beginning.

Rebecca Bowen Cover

Rebecca Bowen Cover

"Jerico's Grave" recording

"Jerico's Grave" recording

Imagination Theater Logo

Imagination Theater Logo

The Enchantress cover

The Enchantress cover

Stuck in the middle again

Stuck in the middle again

The Amber Room Hunters

The Amber Room Hunters

The Portrait of The Enchantress

The Portrait of The Enchantress

Waiting for Redemption

Waiting for Redemption

Dear Mr. Carstairs

Dear Mr. Carstairs

5 Realms of the Aubergines Part 1

5 Realms of the Aubergines Part 1

Bloody Rosary

Bloody Rosary

Almost done!

Almost done!

                 Action Shots! 

   Stand back! Protect the children!

                  Writer at work!

            Oh! The blur of activity!

Here's where I'm supposed to tell you something about myself. And here is where I wander off, water my non-existent plants, maybe search for dust bunnies to release, play a little air guitar (or violin), conduct some Wagner, wonder if the oven needs to be cleaned... anything, anything at all except this. I don't do this well. But, I'll give it a try.


So... hmm... okay. I'm a writer. I've written a book titled "Writing the Fantasy Film" which was published by Michael Wiese Productions at They publish, for the most part, books about filmmaking, everything from working on your budget to acting to, of course, filming and lots and lots on writing for film. Do check them and their books out. My book is now out of print but I'm sure you can find copies somewhere.


In the past I've written for Scr(i)pt magazine, both epub and hard copy. Actually I had a monthly e-column for about four years. That was a lot of fun and I got to meet some very interesting people. As a writer meeting interesting people is more than fun, it gives me characters to play with!


Yes, I'm writing a novel (isn't everyone), I've done some film scripts and even a German TV show... although I don't know if it was ever produced, and I've written some stageplays. Always a thrill to see them up and running. 


But first and foremost, as a writer I am an audio dramatist. I love writing for the ear. That internplay of dialog, music and sound effects that gets into your head and moves you from wherever you're sitting into the middle of the ocean, deep space or the inner workings of a master criminal.


Great fun. A great challenge for a writer. But mostly... great great fun.


I'm lucky enough to have my own little production company plus work for (and am a writer for) Jim French Productions, Inc. I write primarily for Jim's Harry Nile series. You'll find a page on my site here that takes you to Jim's webpage where you can, if you wish, purchase single episode downloads of the shows I've written for JRF.


Well, I see a dust bunny hopping by so maybe I should chase it down and release it.





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